Friday, March 29, 2013

Ascend Alliance: The Insider View, a video by Samantha Tacy

Our very talented and extremely dedicated intern Samantha Tacy is sharing a video that she created for one of her classes. She has been the assistant to the Gala Coordinator, Sabina Casto for the last 3 months and has experienced first hand the challenges and triumphs of organizing a large event.

We are very impressed with Samantha's dedication and consistently professional performance in preparing for this event.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vocal Point as Guest Performers for our Annual Gala

It is a distinct pleasure this year to have Vocal Point performing at our annual gala on April 27th!

They will bringing their rockin' beats and their dancing feet to this exceptional event, if you are interested in joining us for the evening, please call Lynn Merritt at 801.601.8810 or send an email to him at

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Message from Lynn Merritt, Executive Director

It's a New Day ...
The world of humanitarian work is changing. Figuring out fresh ideas and looking at things from a different vantage point is nothing new, but the old model of non-profits is giving way to a new direction. Organizations are always trying to measure the impact they have on the ground and ask themselves the question "are we really making a difference?" With all of the studies and metrics in place and the amount of knowledge that is available today, why does it feel that we are doing the same things over and over? A progressive non-profit will take the time to review and assess every aspect of the organization. How can we do better and why we do things a certain way? These questions need to be asked in order to create growth and learning. At Ascend, we can look to our rich history and review how we have accomplished everything to this point, but we need to look at both our successes and our failures. We often learn more from our failures than we do from success. We also collaborate with other non-profits and together, figure out best practices and learn from the lessons of our partner organizations. We believe that only in a spirit of pure partnership with other non-profits, businesses and donors can we truly make a difference, but the key partnership is with the people that we serve. If we listen and learn from those that we serve, only then can find ways to truly make an impact and create true social change.

John Moore working and sharing a beverage with a citizen from the community of Jech-Vo, Chiapas, Mexico December 29th, 2012

Lynn invites you to contact him if you have questions, or would like to volunteer. He can be reached at 801.601.8810 or by email at

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Opportunity to Serve

I want to thank you for taking a few minutes to come to our blog! We are so grateful for the people who have come to visit us, learned a little about us and then become part of our community.

Also, if you don't mind, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Becky Olsen, and I am the Director of Marketing for Ascend Alliance. I had the opportunity to go on our most recent service expedition to Jech-Vo, Chiapas, Mexico where our group built an addition to an elementary school, repaired a very dilapidated retaining wall that was collapsing into two home-sites, and also brought in a Dentist for a care and education campaign. 

The group that had assembled for this trip was comprised of exceptional people who are all hard working and very talented in unique ways. Some traveled from Texas, and others were from various cities in Utah, but the one thing we all had in common was our desire to serve. I have to admit, it had been a while since I had balanced a wheelbarrow, jumped on a shovel and wielded a paint brush, but each task that needed done was an opportunity to push myself past fatigue and embrace the true joy of giving to a community. 

The long term impact of these efforts by our group of 23 expeditioners can't be measured at this time, but we do know that there is now room for 25 more young children to go to school everyday. But the impact on me, I can measure that. I grew in faith that believing that small contributions can make a big difference, that the small seed of hope can grow into a flower of success, and that working with joy in my heart can be contagious for those around me.

Opportunity is everywhere to become the humanitarian you were meant to be!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Act of Kindness...

Sharing a smile, providing silent service, or giving a hug can all make the difference in someone's day.

We would like to challenge you to perform a random act of kindness. No matter how big or small, it will not be a wasted effort  :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Success is Finding...

We have so many beautiful images from all of our exceptional service expeditions! These pictures move us and give us the desire to keep doing this challenging work. We want to share their power with you so, we will be sharing these moments along with a quote that is inspiring or motivational.

After all, our world gets a little more connected each day  :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Save The Date!!

Our annual gala is in just six weeks!
We would love to have you join us!
Tables are almost sold out, making it one of the hottest tickets in town!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hay Un Amigo En Mi

A little planning, some bold colors of paint and a lot of patience can leave a message of enduring friendship in the most unexpected of places.
Blake Hadley, one of the expeditioners on our recent trip to Jech-vo has a huge talent and wanted to share it with the people we were serving, but how does a graphic design/advertising genius leave a mark in a poor pueblo in Mexico?

He spent a few weeks devising a message combined with iconic images that would remind everyone that even though they may dress and speak differently, they would always be friends.
It started when the first work day was done. The designated wall was washed, and prepared for the many layers of blue paint that were soon to follow.

Such a cold night, but Blake and the AV crew set up the projector and the white crayons were put to good use to get sketch the images onto the wall. The images were then taped off and the paint brushes were brought out :)

Steady and patient hands were needed for the many different colors to follow. Ambassadors were appearing right in front of our eyes, and even more importantly, before the eyes of the young children who would be seeing them everyday from then on.

The lasting message of "Hay Un Amigo En Mi" was completed in just a few short days, with the impact of informing the children and the community that they had many friends around the world.
 And as for the expeditioners...

The memories will last forever!